Our Commitment to Build a Quality Screen Door

As the proprietor of Touchstone Woodworks, I take a rather old-fashioned and common sense approach to guarantees. Our goal here is simple: to build a quality screen-storm door that will last a very long time. I am confident that we do this and you have my word on it.

What is our secret? There isn’t one - we are pleased to share every design detail, material choice and construction method for building our screen doors, along with the reasons why we believe our materials and methods are the superior choice if long-term value is what you seek. As the consumer, you deserve to be informed about your purchase before making this kind of investment.

When you open the crate, if our door doesn’t meet the quality standards and design details we clearly represent in our website and catalog, then you may certainly return it for a refund. We think our custom screen and storm doors will exceed your expectations. If you consider our advice in selecting a style, a finish and hardware, and if you make sure it is installed and cared for the way we recommend, it should outlive most of us.

No doubt, the best way to protect yourself and your investments  is to be a diligent and informed consumer. We encourage you to do your homework and look around. If you want to discuss our screen doors and how they compare with other products, please give me a call.

Tina R. Walters, Proprietor
Touchstone Woodworks
(330) 297-1313

What our customers say about
our screen doors, our company and our service Copyright 2019  Touchstone Woodworks